Blog Toddler Steps - Step 02
Having lots of fun with CircleCI.
It seems GitHub Pages supports external themes directly at the moment. So just to use an external theme, I need not have gone to such trouble. However, in the spirit of Continuous Integration, I implemented a “Test” step incorporating html-proofer in a similar fashion as described on Jekyll’s page.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, for deployment I used a script based on what I found here. And despite many attempts to handle it different ways, I also was unable to get CircleCI to ignore the push to the other branch. So I similarly just settled for a “skip”.
Next, I ran into a couple of issues when trying html-proofer locally. Apparently, linked-in has blocked html-proofer outright. I probably could change the User Agent but for the moment it was just easier to use the command line option of htmlproofer to ignore that link.
But the other problem proved to be a good bit of exercise in Git and Liquid. Html-proofer was complaining about images which were being served up just fine. Trouble was an extra space before the closing quote of the url. I had a hunch were it was but to be able to test it I needed to do the following:
- Fork hydejack
- Switch the site’s remote-theme to my forked hydejack
- Clone the fork locally
- Copy the clone using rsync (yeah… I could have branched)
- Copy the site on top of the copy via “cp -a”
- Test using “jekyll build” and “html-proofer”
Found the issue with the help of this page on Liquid.
Pushed to my fork. Tested with CircleCI managing the test and deploy.
Lastly, I created a pull request to send the fix upstream.