Blog Adolescence

The blog has a new front door.

I may have spent more time on this than I should have. But it was worthy as an expereince of learning more about Jekyll, Liquid, SCSS/SASS, etc.

I did upgrade to HydeJack Pro to quickly gain some templates for projects. This provided me a few other things to consider using. One of those was sort of natural. When I started the blog, it was pretty much just a blog. I hadn’t yet developed collections or projects, etc. But once you create a showcase for Projects, then what is your website? Should it start folk in the blog and they can then bounce to the projects? Or vice versa? The Hydejack solution is a Welcome page which permits you to select and highlight a few projects and blog posts. It’s sort of a “all of the above” answer.

But when I went searching for what others had done after trying Hydejack, I saw some other themes in action. Indeed, I came across a large listing of Jekyll themes. I also found a different approach I liked. This was the Jekyll-Uno theme.

But… I only wanted that one aspect of Jekyll-Uno - the clean, austere front-door. So, at the very least I had to determine how to tack on just that part yet have it integrated well enough with the rest. Furthermore, Hydejack actually provided better functionality for what to put on that front page. I didn’t just want to tack on something extra. I really had to merge and blend things together. That’s the part that was a good working experience in Liquid.

I think it works well enough, though it may be a bit ugly under the hood.

In any case, the framework and functionality of the blog should be ready to suit my needs. And none too soon since the Metis Bootcamp is just days away.

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