More Blog Enhancements
in Blog on Projects
I’ve caught a desire to add some functionality to the blog…
I felt something was… well… missing with the layout for projects that I’ve seen during my exploratory forays into how folk out in the wild web are using Jekyll sites for these sorts of things. The HydeJack Pro theme is in line with most. And with the addition of a link back to blog posts about the project, I’m fairly comfortable with it… but…
Today, I was inspired when we reviewed the expected format for a slide presentation for the first project of the Metis bootcamp. I imagined that would help a ton. I may be going a bit too far with regards to what others (as in recruiters, employeers, etc.) may want to see vs. what I want to see. But I just feel a dense batch of text may not be the best way to present a project. I mean, what would separate that from the blogging itself? Furthermore a quick hope from the austere front page I’ve set up to a similarly sparse presentation may be nice. Folk can do a quick get-in/get-out. If they want, they’ll be more robust stuff to pursue.
So after a bit of web research, I am going to try to add in some reveal.js magic to the blog. As before, I’ll likely start with SwirlyPy… my guinea pig project for the purpose of having a project on the blog. I do intend to get back to that project… eventually… I still feel there’s a place for that.