DataCamp - a Beginning

I’ve started to pursue lessons via DataCamp.

Training in all sorts of things related to Data Science and Data Engineering is going to keep me relatively busy for quite a while.

I was introduced to HackerRank by Metis. Metis grads recommended it as a mechanism to prepare for the Metis Data Science Bootcamp. I can now echo that. And Metis used it for some things.

But now that I’m past the bootcamp, I’m exploring lots of mechanisms and options for self-training. One thing that caught my eye was DataCamp. It seems to be rather defined. It’s not necesarily more comprehensive than HackerRank. But it seems more structured in a couple of ways. First, now that I have the experience of the bootcamp, I’m much better able to know what I want to pursue, learn or practice. In a sense, I know how to “read” things. As such, I can see the structure of Datacamp’s material. If I want to practice algorithm X, I know exactly where to go for it. HackerRank is more open ended where they give problems and you can use anything to solve it. Next, DataCamp has organized their coursework in career tracks.

Honestly, I’m not sure I’ll prioritize a single career track. I plan on completing everything on their site.

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