HackerRank Targets: RegEx and NLP
in HackerRank on Regex, Nlp
I’ve identified tracks in HackerRank to coincide with Project 4.
Similar to Project Three, I thought it would be useful to progress through the related material on HackerRank. And as before, it was indeed uScores seful. You don’t get the whizbang toolsets to help you. No SciKit Learn… No Gensim… No NLTK. Nope. It really does help to learn things if you are forced to fall back and essentially code things from scratch. And, you may learn a lot more along the way.
For example, as I coded TF-IDF from scratch, I read the Wikipedia page on TF-IDF. Nothing previous had underscored that there really isn’t just one TF-IDF algorithm. There are many variations. Scores So, I chose the Regular Expression (Regex) track and the Natural Language Processing (NLP) section withing the Machine Learning track.
Alas… although it was and is helpful, it was also robust enough I couldn’t finish in the time frame of Project 4. I plowed all through the “learning” challenge sections for RegEx. But the last section is full of near-real-world applications. I just couldn’t devote the time. And the NLP section… sheesh. That’s really going to take some time.
I’m accumulating no small amount of curiosities and goals for things to pursue after the Metis bootcamp.
For Project 5, I’m starting to use Spark which depends on Scala. So, in the same spirit, I should jump on the Functional Programming track on Hacker Rank. But… it’s going to have to wait.