Bootcamp - Final Prep

Just one last day before the bootcamp begins.

I’ve more or less attained what I’d set out to do to prepare. I finished the first two courses in the Harvard series. I’ve brought the blog to a point where it will serve me during the bootcamp.

There remains any number of things I could have done. But the time is up!

So today I’ve been tackling a number of normal life things.

I also backed up the virtual machine I’m using for the bootcamp in a low-tech manner. I simply copied the entire thing to a USB stick. This is the 3rd level of what I implemented. I’ve got an rsync set to run daily to dump to another part of the host storage. I’ve got similar timers to give me period snapshots. Next, I’ve got a timer to backup to the cloud. I plan to copy to the USB stick on a weekly basis. All of this should keep me from too much delay from anything from shooting myself in the foot to theft of the laptop.

From this point on, it’s just time to jump on in and roll with things. I’l looking forward to it!

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