Bootcamp - Week Two
in Metis
We’ve segued into Week Two…
Week Two started with the presentations of Project Benson, the first project.
These started at 9:30am. Pair Programming was cancelled. Alice said we’ll never do Pair Programming on mornings where we present.
Well… this was good since we were making last minute changes to the presentation, quite literally. Dean had changed the them of the presentation which meant the charts and things we’d put into the last format didn’t quite fit. And he’d left out one of my charts which I urged him to stuff back in.
Our team went first. We magically somehow pulled off a reasonably good presentation despite the chaos and lack of practice. And… the new theme got good reviews…
Our team and the following team both were cut for going too long. But both teams had made it to their final slide before the forced ending. The last team actually ended about half-a-minute early.
Every team had a slightly different thing that “stuck out”. Ours was the only team to employ resampling and weighted averages. The second to present (Group 1 - Adam, Alex, Chris, Amy) had created a heat-map (based on tech company locations) with an overlay of the high-traffic stations. The final team to present (Group 3 - Tiffany, Michael, Nate) was the only group to employ Tableau. Tiffany apparently has some Tableau experience in her background. They created a dashboard to permit the Customer to filter based on desired days and hours.
Dean had informed me we could get a trail-period license for Tableau. But Tiffany says there’s another option which she used for the Bootcamp - the public option. Apparently you can install Tableau free but your data must reside on their site. What an odd requirement. So this means you should not use that option for any private or business data. But it may work great for classes, bootcamps, personal projects based on public data, etc. So this is a MUST to try out.
I’ve got many things to try out. I’ve pestered Amy to help me later (sigh… FINALLY) switch to vim over vi. These kids these days must view us old-timers using vi the same way I viewed folk using ed back in the day.
After the presentation, we’re essentially free for a couple days which is in such stark contrast to the pressure of Week One. But we need to do wrapup activities related to the first project. This means put the project output on our blog… which many need to create. And finish and turnin the challenge (essentially homework).
In absence of lecture, many of us have escaped the classroom into the large space to plug in extra monitors. I’ve finally found the right connectors to be able to hookup two monitors to the laptop for a total of three…