Project McNulty - Choices

Project McNulty - what to do…

I’ve chosen two scopes. But I do have to select one for the project.

I have approached this project with a bit more caution. I don’t want to be “chasing ghosts”.

Now, of course, part of this overall experience is to develop the skill of storytelling, even when there really doesn’t seem to be much of a story to tell. But, it’s a lot more fun if there is something there.

I also wanted to be able to pivot to the second choice rather seemlessly if needed, as needed. So, in that vein, I performed a bit of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for both my scope choices.

I have decided to proceed with the Chicago Crime Scene scope. However, time permitting, I will continue to work on the other one. Where it’s “simple”, this ought to be straightforward. For example, it shouldn’t be more work to cram that data into Postgresql once I’m able to do that for the first scope.

Here are the EDA Notebooks for:

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